Thursday, August 30, 2018

7 Things Recruiters Look for in your CV/Resume

Resume is the most important document in the job search of any candidate. Resume/CV is a detailed and chronological outline of your educational, professional and personal achievements which may not only include your education, internships, work experience, extra-curricular activities, volunteering experiences and any positions of leadership that you’ve held. C V is the digital representation of your accomplishments to recruiters and company. Wisdom jobs career edge experts  says following 10 things recruiters want to look for in your CV.

Language and Grammar

No matter you have excellent academic and professional records, spelling and grammar errors put you on the back from the others. It shows that you are not much careful to avoid such mistakes in your CV. Proofread your CV as much as possible and get verified by your friends and family members to ensure that no errors in your resume/CV.

CV Formatting

The main objective your CV is catching recruiters’ attention. So to stand out among the crowd refer some CV templates to design your CV. While formatting your profile, make sure that you have added all details in a chronological order, with the latest employment or educational detail coming first followed employment history. It gives the recruiter better understanding of your total work experience finds wisdom jobs reviews study report.

Length of the CV

Your CV should be between 1-2 pages long. Here you need to include all professional stints, achievements, job roles/responsibilities, special projects and rewards if any. Try to avoid too long CV.

Educational details

Your should have a list out your educational details, work experience in a chronological order. Here mention your institution, university, degrees/specializations and marks obtained in each of them.

Extracurricular activities/positions of responsibility

Mention your extracurricular activities/positions of responsibility that you held there and also achievements in sports, music, case studies, quizzes, live projects etc says wisdom jobs complaints experts.
For freshers and candidates with 1-2 years experience need to mention internship experience(s), if any.

Specific skills and competencies

A lot of jobs require the candidates to have specific skills and competencies relevant to their job role. Most of the recruiters never mention it in the job description but it is an important filtering criteria.

Location preferences

Mention your location preferences as the recruiter look at this location preference reach out to them for roles accordingly.

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