Friday, June 22, 2018

Major differences between LinkedIn profile and your resume

Many jobseekers think that they have their LinkedIn profile and it is enough that they will land in their dream job. Experts opine that copying the same information from your resume and pasting on LinkedIn profile which will have same sections like Education, Experience, Skills and Organizations etc. It is bit difficult to add keywords on your resume and these days hiring teams are using applicant tracking systems to scan the information furnished by you. Recruitment trendslike online screening tools and other tools will help you to get shortlisted while screening. If your profile has keywords that match your industry and desired positions, you’re much more likely to show up in search results, which can lead to connections and opportunities. The major differences between the LinkedIn profile and resume has been noted as below:

● Length of resume: Many recruiters prefer one page resumes which are not much lengthy. LinkedIn profiles will give you a chance to elaborate your profile on how did you want and it will give you an opportunity to highlight your experience. If you want to add more keywords and phrases in your LinkedIn profile to get found in recruiters search you may do so.
● Be specific while applying: Resumes are generally sent along with the applications. The main purpose of the resume is that organizations should understand that you are the best fit for the organization. On the other hand, your LinkedIn profile is not an application material for one job. It encompasses who you are as a professional in total and can be a tool that helps bring opportunities to you.

● Social platform: Your LinkedIn profile is a social platform and it will provide you an opportunity to get engage with people. It will give you chances to communicate with world and engage with professionals across the world.

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