Thursday, August 30, 2018

7 Things Recruiters Look for in your CV/Resume

Resume is the most important document in the job search of any candidate. Resume/CV is a detailed and chronological outline of your educational, professional and personal achievements which may not only include your education, internships, work experience, extra-curricular activities, volunteering experiences and any positions of leadership that you’ve held. C V is the digital representation of your accomplishments to recruiters and company. Wisdom jobs career edge experts  says following 10 things recruiters want to look for in your CV.

Language and Grammar

No matter you have excellent academic and professional records, spelling and grammar errors put you on the back from the others. It shows that you are not much careful to avoid such mistakes in your CV. Proofread your CV as much as possible and get verified by your friends and family members to ensure that no errors in your resume/CV.

CV Formatting

The main objective your CV is catching recruiters’ attention. So to stand out among the crowd refer some CV templates to design your CV. While formatting your profile, make sure that you have added all details in a chronological order, with the latest employment or educational detail coming first followed employment history. It gives the recruiter better understanding of your total work experience finds wisdom jobs reviews study report.

Length of the CV

Your CV should be between 1-2 pages long. Here you need to include all professional stints, achievements, job roles/responsibilities, special projects and rewards if any. Try to avoid too long CV.

Educational details

Your should have a list out your educational details, work experience in a chronological order. Here mention your institution, university, degrees/specializations and marks obtained in each of them.

Extracurricular activities/positions of responsibility

Mention your extracurricular activities/positions of responsibility that you held there and also achievements in sports, music, case studies, quizzes, live projects etc says wisdom jobs complaints experts.
For freshers and candidates with 1-2 years experience need to mention internship experience(s), if any.

Specific skills and competencies

A lot of jobs require the candidates to have specific skills and competencies relevant to their job role. Most of the recruiters never mention it in the job description but it is an important filtering criteria.

Location preferences

Mention your location preferences as the recruiter look at this location preference reach out to them for roles accordingly.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Workplace Not Friendly for Women: Survey reveals

Most female professionals don't deem their workplaces as women friendly, exposes a Wisdom Jobs survey that took opinions from nearly 2,500 working women. The report reveals though most organizations declare to offer equal opportunities to male and female, their own women employees feel very differently.
Nearly 90% women say there isn't much egalitarianism in their organization when it comes to career development. Nearly 70% believe their workplace was not female friendly finds wisdom jobs reviews team .
Few Survey pointers

  • Leadership prospects: Almost 95% respondents rated female representation in their organizations top leadership as pitiable. None rated women representation in top leadership as good.
  • Career chances: Over 75% women rated the management prospects provided by their organization for female professionals as poor. In addition, 40% women professionals rated happiness with their salaries as poor, 50% as just average and only 10% rated it as good says wisdom jobs complaints study report.
  • Learning prospects: Given that role change is now routine in working life, continued wisdom should be viewed as a requisite. However, women professionals feel they miss out on growth chances because of lack of upskilling programs. Almost 75% of women say learning opportunities at their company is poor.
  • Mentorship plans: In addition, 80% women professionals rated sponsorship or mentorship proposals at their organization as poor. This is unexpected, considering corporate mentoring is on the rise with most Fortune 500 companies offering professional mentoring programs.
  • Flexibility choices: Workplace flexibility remains one of the key reasons for people to join or leave a company. However, 70% women employees rate flexibility in their organization as poor. Almost 80% of these women professionals are even ready to give up promotions in favor of better work life balance. In addition, 60% women professionals rated the ability to telecommute for work as poor, and only 5% voted it as good in their organizations.
  • Maternity rations: 35% women professionals rated maternity provisions at their workplace as poor, 55% voted them as average and only 10% said these provisions were good. While the recent modifications to the maternity bill have given hope to women professionals, the ground reality is that these changes have not been adopted by many companies yet finds wisdom jobs career edge study report.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Why JOB Application Letter is Important with your RESUME?

Your resume is the most important part of your job search. A detailed resume can make wonders in your job search. No Matter how good your resume, it should be accompanied by a job application letter. While, a job application letter creates magic in your job search. Draft an application letters that how your experience and skills are relevant for your job. It introduces about you to the potential employer that how better as a person you can create value to your background. A well drafted cover letter also gives an impression to understand your interest in the position. Use job application letter as a medium to understand about you and not your skills. Wisdom jobs gulf career edge experts suggest why you should understand following parts of a job application letter.

  • Eye catching job application letter: Your job application letter should be eye catching as well as be able to grab the attention of your employer says wisdom jobs gulf reviews study report. It should explain the employer that why do you fit for the job. Customize your job application letter according to your job requirements.
  • The first paragraph: The first paragraph of your job application letter should able to build the value to the role. The first paragraph itself explains about the position in the organization.\
  •  Addressing the right person: Your job application letter should address the right person in the organization. You can use networks or keywords to search the internet to who you are addressing suggests wisdom jobs gulf complaints team career experts.
  • The hooking paragraph: The beginning and ending of job application letter should include examples of work done, previous experiences and achieved results. You can also include some key competencies that define your work.
  • Education: List out the relevant education qualifications to assure the employer about your abilities.

Common Job Letter Mistakes to Avoid

  • It has too much verbose
  • It talks only about you
  • Using the same application letter for every job
  • Including grammatical errors and typos

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Looking for a job in Gulf construction & Engineering? Here are some tips to follow

Irrespective of the role, professionals in the construction, engineering and real estate industry must have following skills. A recent report by the Oxford Business Group states that demand for the professionals across construction industry saw growth due to international events like World Expo in 2020 and other tourism acts. Wisdom jobs gulf career edge experts suggest following are some important skill sets required to have a job in construction and engineering.

Communication:The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
George Bernard Shaw The construction sector in Gulf demands critical communication skills to deal with different teams involved in a single project.
Teamwork: Wisdom jobs gulf review professionals say that great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people.
Steve Jobs No project in construction sector can complete without teamwork.
Visualization:The big secret is that there is no big secret. Oprah The ability to visualize the situation can solve the issues before they become big.
Problem Solving:We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein Having problem solving skills whether expected or unexpected is essential for the successful execution of the project.
Time Management:How did it get so late so soon? Dr. Seuss Effective time management skills will ensure to meet the deadlines.
Awareness:I see life like one long university education that I never had - every day I am learning something new.
Richard Branson Professionals who want to stay in this sector need to aware of the most happening trends in the market to spot mistakes, generate ideas and increase project efficiency.
Leadership:Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.

Jack Welch Leadership is an important act in all sectors. Wisdom jobs complaints team professionals says that project heads must be responsible for project design and implementation and able to lead a team of professionals such as architects, urban planners, contractors, surveyors, technicians, construction managers, technicians, transportation engineers and others.