Friday, October 26, 2018

How to handle workplace stress?

Recent studies found that stress is important to motivate us to perform and succeed. Stress is necessary to keep us going. The study also found that 46% of the workforce was suffering from the effects of stress which means one in two employees says wisdom jobs reviews career experts. There is a myth about stress is that stress is bad but without stress there is no motivation, ambition, or improvement. Here are some ways to benefiting from negative stress and get positive results finds wisdom jobs complaints career experts.

Find your driving factor at work
Identify the driving factor a work career, money or people at work. It is natural to feel lost or frustrated at work due to politics, culture, mismanagement, etc. Choosing to focus on what you have to gain from your job will be the driving factor to lead at work.

Be assertive
Prioritize the work and say NO to things you don’t have the time or skill for. Handling more work may lead to poor work quality, performance. Be confident to complete the works assigned.

Get organized
Set up a daily to do list and finish the assigned tasks. Being organized about your work gives a clear picture of your work load to manage your time suggests wisdom jobs career edge experts.

Avoid multi-tasking
Experts say that multitasking creates less opportunity to seek from multiple tasks. Sometimes you may end up with incomplete work, having to backtrack your steps, eventually taking longer to finish the task, more exhausted.

Feel secure about yourself
Identify the unique skill set and contribution to the company. Feeling insecure may result in restlessness, under performance, and overthinking. You may acquire knowledge, hone your skills, and feel confident about your position in the organization.

Re-evaluate your attitudes
Look at the new work as an opportunity for your career growth. Evaluate your workload and analyze your attitudes towards work.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Here’s why employee development programs are important at workplace

Organizations across the sectors are increasing their hiring processes and making them more fit for their current workplace followed by successful onboarding says wisdom jobs career edge experts.
Strategically investing in career growth of employees

However, both employees and employers investing in developing their employees. Investing in training will add to the work culture, organizational strength and business growth. It encourages their employees to learn more about it relevant to work related changes and make them competitive in their career edge finds wisdom jobs reviews career experts.

Leas attrition rates create, long term business growth can be established by the management. Flexible learning options, adopting mobile solutions that are available on demand can be done at the convenience, pace and time of employees. Moreover investing in the career growth of existing employees creates value that the former’s contribution and interested to see employees succeed in the long run says wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts.

Ongoing training and developmental programs is the key
Ongoing training programs to millennial such as buddy programs, job shadowing and coaching help them gain in-depth knowledge in areas they are working on. Career advancement tips also provided here. Managers also design meaningful learning opportunities for high performing employees. Soft skills, such as time management, communications and leadership can be enhanced.

Better employees lead to better workplaces
It is known fact that trained employees will exhibit more quality work and this will increase the productivity as they strive to gain. Managers should be encouraged to coach their team members and manage the short-shelf-life learning and developmental requirements as well. Effective managers contribute to employee engagement and effective workplaces. While enhancing internal communication, inter departmental co-ordination, networking opportunities for employees positive brand image will develop at certain extent.

Monday, October 1, 2018

How to get a job after a break?

Getting back to work after a career break is not an easy task. Irrespective the reasons many employees prefer to work after a long break. If you too are planning to take U turn after a long break, here are few things to keep in mind. Let’s start with the highly effective 10 steps to get a job after a career break says wisdom jobs career edge experts.

Assess your situation
Before you start applying for jobs, think about that how the career gap affected your skills and knowledge. Once you get an idea where you are lacking then it becomes easier to solve the issue and overcome it. Apply few techniques such as SWOT analysis to know your strengths and opportunities, and plan your job search accordingly suggests wisdom jobs reviews career experts.

Plan for the return after a break
Once you are decided to restart your career then weigh all your options and the sectors you wish to work. Update yourself on latest technology and emerging trends happening in the industry. You can gather the information with internet and social media platforms. Follow social media pages of your dream companies to tune with the changes happening in the market says wisdom jobs complaints career experts.

Hone your skills
To get back in to the work environment you can opt freelancing or volunteering and internships to get habituated to the work life. Also prefer short term online courses, both free and paid.

Update CV and Cover letter
Use your career break as a weapon to impress potential employers. Write about the new skills learned during your break and add a cover letter. Take professional resume writing services from wisdom jobs if required.

Once you decide you restart your career, reach out to all contacts including previous colleagues, clients, friends, and family. Create your profile on online job portals like wisdom jobs will boost your chances of getting hired.

Interview preparation
Prepare well for most common interview questions and answers related to your job role. Also prepare for the questions related to career break.

References and certificates
Having a reference or letter from your ex-bosses or colleagues will project your credibility in front of the potential employers.

Search by keyword
Use targeted keywords to search relevant jobs on job portals. Also use career break keyword to find the suitable roles. Be confident and start applying for jobs.